Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

simply way to improve google pagerank

In order to get more visitors to your website
using SEO techniques you need to improve
Google pagerank of your domain. There are a
few simple rules which may help you to do this
process very effectively. Continue reading this
article to learn more about these rules.
Rule #1:
Homepage links are better than links from sub-
pages. The reason is simple - homepage has in
99% cases the highest pagerank. All sub-pages
get only fraction from this pagerank and for this
reason homepage links will give more pagerank
juice to the linked domain. If you are consistent in
building homepage links you can also expect
good direct traffic from them.
Rule #2:
Sidewide links will pass on more pagerank to
your website than links from single page. Even
though second and every next link has lower
value comparing with the first one, it is always
better to get links pointing to your domain from
all pages. The pagerank passed on your website
will be simply higher and the chance of getting
natural traffic directly from these links will
Rule #3:
Content links get higher value in search engines.
Search engines have very intelligent algorithm to
determine the value of the links. Content links (e.
g. link in the article body) has higher value
compared with links in the sidebar of website
footer. In short, link which is not only for search
engines but primarily for the website visitors is
more useful.
With these rules you can improve Google
pagerank quite quickly and get more visitors to
your website in a few weeks.

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